26. From a pack of 52 playing cards, three cards are drawn random. Find the probability of drawing a king, a queen and a jack.
A king can be drawn in 4C1 ways
Similarly, a queen and a Jack can be drawn in 4C1, 4C1.
27. Find the total numbers in the range 100 to 1000, where in the product of individual digits of the number gives 24 (For instance: 234 gives 2*3*4 = 24)
A product of 24 can be achieved by (1,3,8), (1,4,6), (2,2,6), (2,3,4)
Now these numbers can be arranged in 3! ways respectively
However 2,2,6 can be arranged in 3!/2! ways
Hence, the answer is 3*3! + 1*3!/2! = 18+3 = 21
28. There is cask full of milk. E litres are drawn from the cask, it is then filled with water. This process is repeated. Now the ratio of milk to water is 16:9.What is the capacity of the cask in litres?
if x is capacity of cask, then
x ltr milk .. 0 ltr water
after first draw and water filling by E ltrs,
x-E ltr milk and E ltr water
after 2nd draw and water filling by E ltrs,
x- [2E-(E^2/x)] and 2E -( E^2)/x ltr water
As per condition
x- [2E-(E^2/x)] /[ 2E -( E^2)/x] = 16/9
solving, we get
29. What should come in the place of (?) in the given series?
A +5==>F +5==>K +5==>P
C +4==>G +4==>K +4==>O
E +3==>H +3==>K +3==>N
30. If (9+9^2+9^3+.......9^n) is divided by 6, remainder will be? (n is a multiples of 11)
now since n is a multiple of 11 then
3(11)=33 i.e. rem =3
again 3(22)==66 rem =0
3(33)=99 rem=3
if n is odd then remainder is 3
if n is even the remainder is 0
ans remainder is 3,0
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