In this post I will show you how to make a simple Text to Speech converter using Visual Basic Script.
Follow the steps below:
2. Copy the following script
dim m, s
m=inputbox("Enter text","Text2Speech")
set s=createobject("sapi.spvoice")
s.Speak m
3. Save the file as Text2Speech.vbs or anyname.vbs (NOTE: .vbs is a must)
4. Open the file and type the word that you want to hear.
This is it. You got a text to speech converter in less than two minutes.
Follow the steps below:
2. Copy the following script
dim m, s
m=inputbox("Enter text","Text2Speech")
set s=createobject("sapi.spvoice")
s.Speak m
3. Save the file as Text2Speech.vbs or anyname.vbs (NOTE: .vbs is a must)
4. Open the file and type the word that you want to hear.
This is it. You got a text to speech converter in less than two minutes.
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