Monday, 17 June 2013

How To Update Pirated Windows OS(Windows 7 and Windows XP)!

Yes, in this post we will see how to update the pirated versions of the windows Operating Systems without getting those Not Genuine Errors and most importantly not having to format and re installing the OS.

Follow the steps below carefully(Read them twice before you move forward):
  1. Go to Control Panel --> System and Security --> Windows Update --> Change Settings. You will see a  drop down menu, select “Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them” and click on OK.
  2. Once you have done that, select Check for Updates. Now you will get some list of updates including  Update For Windows 7(KB971033) or Update For Windows 7 x86 (KB971033).
  3. Be careful here, uncheck Update For Windows 7(KB971033) or Update For Windows XP(KB971033) update. Note that you uncheck the update with the above number i.e. KB971033 carefully. You also might want to make sure it doesn't show in your updates again by Right Clicking  on it and Hiding the update.
  4. Check all the remaining updates, and click on Install Updates
And just like this you managed to fulfill your wish of updating your Windows just like any other people who has a genuine OS.

Share this with all your friends and let them have this luxury of of updating their OS as well.


  1. it says: "To check for updates, you must first install an update for Windows Update.."

    1. 1. Open Notepad and Create a New File

      2. Copy and Paste the following text as it appears into your Notepad

      net stop cryptsvc
      net stop wuauserv
      ren %windir%\system32\catroot2 catroot2.old
      ren %windir%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.old
      regsvr32 comcat.dll /s
      Regsvr32 Msxml.dll /s
      Regsvr32 Msxml2.dll /s
      proxycfg -u
      Regsvr32 Msxml3.dll /s
      regsvr32 shdoc401.dll /s
      regsvr32 cdm.dll /s
      regsvr32 softpub.dll /s
      regsvr32 wintrust.dll /s
      regsvr32 initpki.dll /s
      regsvr32 dssenh.dll /s
      regsvr32 rsaenh.dll /s
      regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll /s
      regsvr32 sccbase.dll /s
      regsvr32 slbcsp.dll /s
      regsvr32 mssip32.dll /s
      regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll /s
      regsvr32 wucltui.dll /s
      regsvr32 shdoc401.dll /i /s
      regsvr32 dssenh.dll /s
      regsvr32 rsaenh.dll /s
      regsvr32 gpkcsp.dll /s
      regsvr32 sccbase.dll /s
      regsvr32 slbcsp.dll /s
      regsvr32 asctrls.ocx /s
      regsvr32 wintrust.dll /s
      regsvr32 initpki.dll /s
      regsvr32 softpub.dll /s
      regsvr32 oleaut32.dll /s
      regsvr32 shdocvw.dll /I /s
      regsvr32 shdocvw.dll /s
      regsvr32 browseui.dll /s
      regsvr32 browseui.dll /I /s
      regsvr32 msrating.dll /s
      regsvr32 mlang.dll /s
      regsvr32 hlink.dll /s
      regsvr32 mshtmled.dll /s
      regsvr32 urlmon.dll /s
      regsvr32 plugin.ocx /s
      regsvr32 sendmail.dll /s
      regsvr32 scrobj.dll /s
      regsvr32 mmefxe.ocx /s
      regsvr32 corpol.dll /s
      regsvr32 jscript.dll /s
      regsvr32 msxml.dll /s
      regsvr32 imgutil.dll /s
      regsvr32 thumbvw.dll /s
      regsvr32 cryptext.dll /s
      regsvr32 rsabase.dll /s
      regsvr32 inseng.dll /s
      regsvr32 iesetup.dll /i /s
      regsvr32 cryptdlg.dll /s
      regsvr32 actxprxy.dll /s
      regsvr32 dispex.dll /s
      regsvr32 occache.dll /s
      regsvr32 occache.dll /i /s
      regsvr32 iepeers.dll /s
      regsvr32 urlmon.dll /i /s
      regsvr32 cdfview.dll /s
      regsvr32 webcheck.dll /s
      regsvr32 mobsync.dll /s
      regsvr32 pngfilt.dll /s
      regsvr32 licmgr10.dll /s
      regsvr32 icmfilter.dll /s
      regsvr32 hhctrl.ocx /s
      regsvr32 inetcfg.dll /s
      regsvr32 tdc.ocx /s
      regsvr32 MSR2C.DLL /s
      regsvr32 msident.dll /s
      regsvr32 msieftp.dll /s
      regsvr32 xmsconf.ocx /s
      regsvr32 ils.dll /s
      regsvr32 msoeacct.dll /s
      regsvr32 inetcomm.dll /s
      regsvr32 msdxm.ocx /s
      regsvr32 dxmasf.dll /s
      regsvr32 /s
      regsvr32 /s
      regsvr32 /s
      regsvr32 /s
      regsvr32 danim.dll /s
      regsvr32 Daxctle.ocx /s
      regsvr32 lmrt.dll /s
      regsvr32 datime.dll /s
      regsvr32 dxtrans.dll /s
      regsvr32 dxtmsft.dll /s
      regsvr32 WEBPOST.DLL /s
      regsvr32 WPWIZDLL.DLL /s
      regsvr32 POSTWPP.DLL /s
      regsvr32 CRSWPP.DLL /s
      regsvr32 FTPWPP.DLL /s
      regsvr32 FPWPP.DLL /s
      regsvr32 WUAPI.DLL /s
      regsvr32 wups2.dll /S
      regsvr32 WUAUENG.DLL /s
      regsvr32 ATL.DLL /s
      regsvr32 WUCLTUI.DLL /s
      regsvr32 WUPS.DLL /s
      regsvr32 WUWEB.DLL /s
      regsvr32 wshom.ocx /s
      regsvr32 wshext.dll /s
      regsvr32 vbscript.dll /s
      regsvr32 scrrun.dll mstinit.exe /setup /s
      regsvr32 msnsspc.dll /SspcCreateSspiReg /s
      regsvr32 msapsspc.dll /SspcCreateSspiReg /s
      proxycfg –d
      sc sdset wuauserv

      regsvr32 mshtml.dll /s
      net start cryptsvc
      net start wuauserv

      3. Go to file and then SAVE AS and in the box that appears change to all file types at the bottom. Over on the left click DESKTOP. In the file name box type wu.bat and click save.

      4. Close all open programs including your Internet browser. Right click on the wu.bat file you created on your desktop. Choose to run as Administrator. Once it is complete and the black box is gone (ignore any errors) restart the computer.

      5. Go back to Windows Update. The first time you will still be prompted to install a Windows Update update but it will work this time.

    2. Thanks!
      Oh, one more thing, do you have any ways to activate windows 8.1 so that it won't expired..
